Message from the Exhibition ChairpersonThe 33rd International Symposiums on Space Technology and Science, in conjunction with the 10th Symposium on Very Small Satellites and the 14th IAA: Low Cost Planet Mission (LCPM), will be held from Saturday, February 26, 2022 to Friday, March 4 at B-Con Plaza, Beppu City, Oita Prefecture. The 33 ISTS Organizing Committee is planning to hold an “International Space Exhibition” at B-Con Plaza, where the symposium will be held. At the exhibition, we will exhibit aerospace related products such as models, parts, photographs, and movies that introduce the results of research and development by various aerospace organizations and equipment and services. (The exhibition itself runs for 5 days from Saturday, February 26 to Wednesday, March 2.) Oita is moving toward becoming “Asia’s first horizontally oriented spaceport”, and is raising expectations for the creation of a space business as a major base for the space industry, as shown by its being selected by the Cabinet Office as a “municipality promoting the creation of space business.” Let’s create an opportunity together to discover new potential by promoting your company’s technology and ideas at exhibitions from Oita, which has long been known as a hot spring prefecture. Kaori SASAKI Exhibition OutlineIn the 33rdISTS International Space Exhibition, the results yielded by aerospace research & development and current activities led by manufacturing industries in the field of science & technology will be introduced not only to participants of the symposium, but also to the public widely. Therefore, the exhibition provides the opportunity to realize the fascination of space and the range possibilities it offers.
Regulation & Application Form DownloadThe guideline and the application form for “33rdISTS Exhibition Program Participants” can be downloaded here. If you wish to apply for the exhibition, please complete and return the form to the 33rdISTS Exhibition Secretariat not later than October 29, 2021. We will send further information to those who have returned the form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
★If you would like to participate in the International Space Exhibition, please register in advance below.
Inquiry33rdISTS Exhibition Secretariat |