The 34th ISTS has the following three categories of conference awards to recognize the
students and researchers who made excellent works and presentations at the symposium.
Student Session Award

The ISTS Committee provides the following Student Session Awards; the winner will be
selected from among the finalists invited to Student Session.
● General Chairperson Award
The award winner will be given the opportunity to attend 74th International Astronautical
Congress (IAC2023) held on October 2-6, 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The registration fee and
travel expenses will be fully funded by the ISTS Committee including accommodation fee
from Oct. 1st to 7th, 2023.
● JSASS (The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences) President Award
● Modi Memorial Jaya-Jayant Award
● JAXA President Award
● SPSS (Society for Promotion of Space Science) President Award
● Japanese Rocket Society Award
Best Poster Award

Several excellent posters presented at the poster session will be awarded.
It will be judged by vote of all participants at the poster session.
The 11th Spacecraft Control System Design Contest

Several prizes will be given to participants who designed excellent control algorithms.